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Born to Be - Your Perfect Career

by Jonathan Cainer

click on your sign above to learn more.

Research has revealed that, if you're born under Sagittarius, you've got an exceptionally high chance of becoming a child star. Taureans, by comparison, are most unlikely to find early fame. That's much as an astrologer would expect, but if you're a regular horoscope reader, you may find these results surprising. "What about Leo?" you may ask. "Isn't this supposed to be the sign that's hungriest for applause and attention?" Ah, but Leos are such natural little stars, they hardly need a stage to shine on. We are all born blessed with talents and inclinations that can shape our personalities in later life. Read on to find out what gifts the heavens bestowed upon you at birth... and why, no matter what sign - or how old - you are, it's never too late to fulfil your potential.

You might have have feeling a bit like a hamster on a wheel recently - running fast and getting nowhere - but Mars is finally turning direct and gettting its act together in Cancer. So get ready! The cosmic energy is shifting in wonderful ways. But... just as one planetary drama takes effect, another kicks in. Venus - imagine a fussy food critic at a fast-food restaurant - goes into a huff in Aries on March 2nd. How best to deal with these contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)

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