As this week progresses a new moon in Pisces floats by like a dreamy bubble in a cosmic washing-up bowl. You might think these celestial goings-on are about as relevant to your life as last week's grocery list, but bear with me.
If the cosmos were a kitchen, we'd be watching a pot of emotional soup coming to the boil this week. Mars, that cosmic chef who's been stirring things rather half-heartedly in Cancer's sentimental stewpot, is finally turning up the heat.
Imagine having your car stuck in neutral for weeks, then suddenly finding the gear stick works again. You've been sitting there, engine running, going nowhere - but now you can finally move forward. Particularly with matters close to home.
The Pisces new moon means that this is a moment for new beginnings, especially in situations where intuition matters more than logic.
And remember - sometimes the very best ideas arrive as gentle whispers.
You might have have feeling a bit like a hamster on a wheel recently - running fast and getting nowhere - but Mars is finally turning direct and gettting its act together in Cancer. So get ready! The cosmic energy is shifting in wonderful ways. But... just as one planetary drama takes effect, another kicks in. Venus - imagine a fussy food critic at a fast-food restaurant - goes into a huff in Aries on March 2nd. How best to deal with these contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)
What it means, to have Moon in... by sign.