June 25th to July 1st 2007
MONDAY June 25
How do comets affect astrology?
Dear Jonathan, How do comets and asteroids affect astrological patterns? Surely they have as much influence on us as planets and stars?
Dear Patti,
They do indeed. Or at least, the comets and asteroids in 'our neck of the woods' make a difference. As a general rule, we astrologers are interested in these celestial bodies only if they are near enough or big enough to see with a small telescope or, better still, the naked eye. When significant new comets are discovered, though, we get terribly excited and start making all kinds of dramatic new predictions!
The end of Saturn and Neptune's opposition
Saturn's opposition to Neptune is over at last. For about a year, we have all been under the influence of this awkward alignment. The last time we came under a similar celestial spell was at the end of the Eighties. Symbolically, it represents a clash between idealism and pragmatism; an argument between beliefs and cultures; a conflict between the way things are and the way that most folk wish they could be. During the opposition, the world gets tense. Afterwards, there's a breathing out, moving on... and reaping the benefit of the brave choices that have now been made.
The Mud that didn't stick
I have done my best to clean up today's predictions but if you do find them a little muddy, I hope you will understand. They were prepared at Glastonbury! I've been there many times, but have never seen conditions quite so bad. At one point, I stepped into squelchy stuff so deep that it poured in over the top of my wellies. Once it warmed up, it was actually quite pleasant! But then, in such circumstances, there's a stark choice for everyone. You either sink into damp despair or you 'go beyond' and enjoy yourself regardless of the situation.
Today's picture was taken by Wendy Teasdill during my talk in the Tipi Circle field on Sunday. Before we finished, just in time to see Shirley Bassey, several questions came up, including: How was I managing to keep that coat clean in the mudbath of the festival? The answer, of course, was 'Levitation'. Er, well, OK, then. Really, I just walked carefully, trying not to splash or slip over!
Saturn and Venus conjunction
Just after sunset tonight and over the next few nights you can see Saturn and Venus forming a beautiful conjunction. These two planets are almost exactly opposite Neptune, although this is not so visible. The symbolism of this triple alignment is breathtaking and inspiring. An era of struggle and confusion has come to an end. Now something sweet and glorious is coming out of it. No matter what's been difficult for you over the past year, you'll find you soon see it in a new light and feel easy and comfortable about the changes that have happened and the ones that are still to come.
FRIDAY June 29
Full Moon energy
Full Moons stir up lots of energy. So too, do weekends. When the two coincide, everything steps up a gear. Passions get unleashed. Desires get declared. Troths get plighted. Problems get compounded. Parties get started. Mistakes get made. Drinks get drunk. Motives get revealed. Babies get made. Risks get taken.The Moon won't be fully Full till lunchtime tomorrow, after it has entered Capricorn. Tonight, though, it shines in Sagittarius, near to a bright Jupiter. Remember also to look, just after dark, in the direction where the Sun has just gone down, for the auspicious conjunction of Saturn and Venus.
Mars and Saturn an antagonistic alignment
This photo was taken at Glastonbury Festival. It's the giant dragon from the King's Meadow just below the stone circle. I'm with Sam and Mike; two of the people who made this amazing sculpture. It's a work of art, a bandstand and, if you attach canvas to the 'ribs' at the back; the dragon gets wings and becomes a complete covered stage. I mention this, just in case you happen to know anyone who owns a theme park or runs a festival and wants a stunning centre piece. Mike and Sam would like you to know that the dragon (now clean of mud and looking wonderful) is being auctioned, on Ebay, right now.
A couple of months ago, Jupiter and Saturn formed a relatively rare, harmonious alignment. I predicted, at the time, that this would coincide with some surprising 'outbreaks of peace and harmony' around the world. We have, since then, seen little rays of sunshine pierce through the gloomy cloud of daily news from around the globe. We may yet see more. In July, though, Mars and Saturn form an antagonistic alignment. Wherever there has been conflict lately - or the potential for it has arisen, there will soon be a temptation to exacerbate the argument.. Don't succumb to this in your own life and if you see it happening all around you or in the news, don't worry. All will blow over.
Mars and Saturn an antagonistic alignment
A couple of months ago, Jupiter and Saturn formed a relatively rare, harmonious alignment. I predicted, at the time, that this would coincide with some surprising 'outbreaks of peace and harmony' around the world. We have, since then, seen little rays of sunshine pierce through the gloomy cloud of daily news from around the globe. We may yet see more. In July, though, Mars and Saturn form an antagonistic alignment. Wherever there has been conflict lately - or the potential for it has arisen, there will soon be a temptation to exacerbate the argument.. Don't succumb to this in your own life and if you see it happening all around you or in the news, don't worry. All will blow over.
Just in case you happen to know anyone who owns a theme park or runs a festival and wants a stunning centre piece. Mike and Sam would like you to know that the Glastonbury Dragon is being auctioned, on Ebay, right now.