Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



May 27 2024 to June 2 2024

Monday May 27

Jupiter - Gemini Business

It's a bank holiday here and I'm planning on taking some time off. Yet with Jupiter having just entered Gemini, I'm unlikely to feel less busy. With the planet of 'more' exploring its new hustle and bustle home, peace and quiet won't come easily. But as my mother-in-law says, 'sometimes a change is as good as a rest'. At least that's what she claims when convincing me to spend 4 hours driving her grandchild to see her! Fortunately, exploring new ideas leads to energising possibilities, and inspiring results.

Tuesday May 28

Jupiter's Job

Jupiter's first job in Gemini is to make a productive alignment with Saturn. Together they help us narrow down our options, and sift out the profligate from the promising. We're told that too much choice is the enemy of happiness. But that's only the case when we're trying to make a decision and there's no obvious criteria to base our choice on. Today brings more understanding of our needs, plus insight into what/who can help us realise them. In clearly communicating our ideas, solutions will appear.

Wednesday May 29

Venus and Mars

Venus (love) and dynamic Mars are making a spicy link that sets pulses racing and tongues wagging. In relationships, that could mean talking about our desires and thinking about how to set hearts alight. But there's a note of warning: although this alignment is flirty, it dares us to go beyond mere suggestions and risk giving in to temptation. The challenge is to find a balance between following our desires, nurturing important connections, and remembering that we have to be brave in the pursuit of love.

Thursday May 30

What's up Doc?

With Mercury and Uranus about to link, finding innovative ways to communicate leads to breakthroughs. It is, after all, the birthday of Mel Blanc, the voice of Bugs Bunny and many other classic cartoon characters. Back in 1961 after being involved in a serious car crash that left him in a coma, his neurologist tried a new approach to wake him up. He asked "How are you feeling today Bugs Bunny?". Blanc answered in Bugs' voice "Eh ... just fine, Doc. How are you?", and proceeded to make a full recovery!

Friday May 31


The Sun and Venus both make productive alignments with Neptune this weekend. We tend to see daydreaming as a pointless exercise; as if time spent exploring our imaginations is wasted, and that what matters, is what we do in the here and now. Although the last bit is probably right, how can we ensure that our actions are serving the right purpose if we can't visualise our goals? It's by allowing our minds to wander that we'll find valuable ideas and creative solutions.

Saturday June 1

Your June Monthly Horoscope

This month, the June energy kick-starts with Mercury (intellect) joining Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto's 'talent triangle'. The cosmos is encouraging us to speak our truth and realise our dreams. Expressing feelings takes courage, but it enables us to exert our influence and build relationships based on honesty and respect. By the time the Solstice Full Moon arrives, we'll be working collaboratively towards realising plans that empower us to realise our fullest potential. The sky's the limit!

Sunday June 2

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

This month, the June energy kick-starts with Mercury (intellect) joining Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto's 'talent triangle'. The cosmos is encouraging us to speak our truth and realise our dreams. Expressing feelings takes courage, but it enables us to exert our influence and build relationships based on honesty and respect. By the time the Solstice arrives, we'll be working collaboratively towards realising plans that empower us to realise our fullest potential. The sky's the limit!

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Oscar and Cainer's Daily Zodiac Forecasts