Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



June 10 2024 to June 16 2024

Monday June 10

Night Writer

Pulitzer-winning writer Saul Bellow said "You never have to change anything you got up in the middle of the night to write." And with action-packed Mars preparing to link with mysterious Pluto, brilliant ideas will occur at the most unlikely moments - so we need to be careful not to 'sleep' through them! The more deeply we connect with our feelings, the greater the chance ideas will be worth pursuing. With the stars offering inspiration, plus the energy to act, it's a day for making dreams come true.

Tuesday June 11

Dynamic Mars - Intense Pluto

Sometimes we see ourselves as being stronger than we are. It's only when we've embarked on a task, and are confronted by the reality of the situation, that we realise we've bitten off more than we can chew. But as dynamic Mars and intense Pluto align, it's more likely we'll experience the exact opposite. When facing daunting obstacles, we can tap into hidden reserves of power and leap over those hurdles. If we don't underestimate our abilities, we can achieve great things today.

Wednesday June 12

We're defined by our actions, not our thoughts. Our best intentions don't count for anything unless they're acted upon. Today, Mercury (intellect) and serious Saturn are energised by their alignments with dynamic Mars. So whatever promises we've made (to ourselves or to others) it's time to put our money where our mouth is and do something to make them happen. By focusing on what's important, and being clear where our limits lie, we can make choices with honour and integrity.

Thursday June 13

Chris Evans

Happy birthday Captain America! Well... actually... it's Chris Evans' special day. He played the character in the Marvel franchise. Evans isn't a superhero. But, to some extent, we all become known for the roles we play. With the Sun and Mercury (planet of intellect) converging today, by being honest and proud of our own achievements, we can recognise other people's. And when we acknowledge our talents, and work together, we can summon up (almost) superhero powers!

Friday June 14

Political Spectrum

It's Trump and Che Guevara's birthday! It makes you wonder how people from opposite ends of the political spectrum can share something so fundamental! But astrology teaches us that we always have choice. As free-spirits we're able to choose how we work with the celestial energies... which affects our personalities and the way we interact with the world. This weekend, as the Sun converges with Mercury, the planets encourage us to speak our minds in ways that nurture truth and collaboration.

Saturday June 15

Your Weekly Horoscope

With Venus (love) and Mercury (communication) moving into home-loving Cancer, people and situations we tend to take for granted will take on a special glow. Not only will we be able to appreciate them, we'll enjoy expressing our gratitude and delight. It's perfect timing for Father's Day in the UK and US! And as we move towards the Solstice, kind words and generous gestures will open doors to valuable collaborations that lead to meaningful experiences. These can enrich our lives over the months to come.

Sunday June 16

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

With Venus (love) and Mercury (communication) moving into home-loving Cancer, people and situations we tend to take for granted will take on a special glow. Not only will we be able to appreciate them, we'll enjoy expressing our gratitude and delight. It's perfect timing for Father's Day in the UK and US. And as we move towards the Solstice, kind words and generous gestures will open doors to collaborations that lead to meaningful experiences. These can enrich our lives over the months to come.

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