Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



June 24 2024 to June 30 2024

Monday June 24

Virtually Real

When it comes to choosing between meeting people face-to-face and connecting online, most of us prefer real (rather than virtual) experiences. But in our high-tech world, it's not easy to find a balance between the two. As Venus (love) and Uranus (innovation) prepare to align, they encourage us to experiment. It's time to branch out. For me, that involves trying things I can touch, feel (and ideally, taste!). I'm doing a Korean barbecue tonight! That ticks the right boxes for me!

Tuesday June 25


George Orwell's masterpiece '1984' describes a dystopian world. Forty years on from that date his nightmare vision hasn't come to pass thank goodness. But it's hard not to feel like we're being monitored - even if it's by 'big tech' rather than 'Big Brother'! Although with our browsing habits being tracked for the purposes of innocent-sounding 'personalisation', maybe the age of 'doublespeak' is already here! Today, a change of perspective about the past can reshape visions of the future in a more positive light.

Wednesday June 26

Media Rules

We live in a social media driven, high-tech world. And like many people, I don't always find it easy to find a balance between real life activities such as writing and reading, and online scrolling and reacting with emojis. As Mercury (intellect) harmonises with slow Saturn, the cosmos encourages us to take time to think about the way we choose to fill our days. A more considered approach ensures that we'll be able to make the most of the life-changing opportunities coming our way.

Thursday June 27

Khloe Kardashian

Happy birthday Khloe Kardashian, who turns 40 today. In the world of celebrity, with their successful fashion-retail lines amassing huge fortunes, it's hard to think of a family who have more influence. Yet it takes more than a glamorous image to secure their kind of success; shrewd behind the scenes decisions are vital. As Mercury (ideas) and Jupiter (luck) prepare to align, we don't need family support to succeed. With a big idea today, we can maximise the potential of the talent we were born with.

Friday June 28

Visions of the Future

As dynamic Mars prepares to link to idealistic Neptune, with energy and determination we can take action towards manifesting our visions of the future. On the weekend before the UK General Election, the same rules apply for politicians as the rest of us; passion and creativity will have much more of a positive effect than fear-mongering or cold-hearted criticism. If we focus on our highest values, and are prepared to think outside the box, this weekend brings opportunities to instigate exciting change.

Saturday June 29

Your July Monthly Horoscope

The cosmos encourages us to brave in July. And with the planets giving us the equivalent of cosmic suits of armour, we've got the strength to tackle challenges with success. Although change is daunting, and uncertainty is scary, without taking risks how can we explore our dreams? There will be obstacles to navigate this month. But even if our hearts are sometimes in our mouths, the Neptune-inspired Full Moon promises transformation. Visionary ideas can be turned into exciting realities.

Sunday June 30

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

The cosmos encourages us to brave in July. And with the planets giving us the equivalent of cosmic suits of armour, we've got the strength to tackle challenges with success. Although change is daunting, and uncertainty is scary, without taking risks how can we explore our dreams? There will be obstacles to navigate this month. But even if our hearts are sometimes in our mouths, the Neptune-inspired Full Moon promises transformation. Visionary ideas can be turned into exciting realities.

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