Oscar and Jonathan Cainer Zodiac Forecasts



February 10 2025 to February 16 2025

Monday February 10

The Road to Valentine's

As we move towards Valentine's Day, the world has become red-heart and chocolate themed! National Marriage week always coincides with this romantic date, and although our important relationships deserve to be fêted at any time of the year, anything that reminds us to focus on those we love, be they partners, family, or friends, is worth celebrating. Although Mercury's link with Uranus brings twists and turns, unexpected developments can lead to shared understanding and stronger connections.

Tuesday February 11

Making Friends

In this week where we celebrate all things 'love', it's National 'Make A Friend Day'. And with the Sun's link to Uranus drawing our attention to all things new, it's an ideal time to reach out and make connections with people who can bring fresh experiences into our lives. But it's also about appreciating our nearest and dearest, and making simple gestures to show how much we care. Stopping to take stock of those who support us reminds us to be grateful. And the more we give thanks, the happier we'll be.

Wednesday February 12

The 'Snow Moon'

Tonight's Full Moon in playful Leo is known as the 'Snow Moon'. Although it coincides with chilly weather in the Northern hemisphere, it's traditionally a sign that the seasons are changing, and that Spring is on its way. But no matter where we are on planet Earth, since Leo is associated with sociability and creativity, it's about shifting tired energy, getting out, and having fun. By focusing on inspiring projects and causes that touch our hearts, we can create positive, inspiring change.

Thursday February 13

Valentine's Day Eve

The legacy of the Leo Full Moon shines a light on progress and encourages creativity and flair. And on the eve of Valentine's Day, we can invest this energy into our relationships. With emotions heightened, and the confidence to express our feelings, conversations we've been nervous about having will be easier to start. And with honest, heartfelt communication, those dialogues will lead to greater understanding. With the confidence to express ourselves, exciting collaborative ways forward are possible.

Friday February 14

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! With Mercury (communication) moving into dreamy Pisces, who needs cards piling up on the doormat? The planets have a more tangible action plan in mind! This weekend, imaginative ideas bring new possibilities and options. Whether they're linked with relationships (or not), we can tap into the energy by focusing on creative projects and ventures. And when we're inspired, we exude an aura that attracts others. The chances of meeting new, interesting, supportive people are high.

Saturday February 15

Your Weekly Horoscope

Welcome to the Pisces season! This week, Mercury (communication and ideas), which is just settling into this sensitive, creative zodiac sign, is being joined by the Sun. By tapping into the power of our imaginations, we can access resources and channel our ideas into inspiring plans. Whether it's a spiritual adventure, or a more pragmatic project, qualities such as compassion and empathy are key to finding support. Guided by our intuition, we can start turning dreams into reality.

Sunday February 16

Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope

Welcome to the Pisces season! This week, Mercury (communication and ideas), which is just settling into this sensitive, creative zodiac sign, is being joined by the Sun. By tapping into the power of our imaginations, we can access resources and channel our ideas into inspiring plans. Whether it's a spiritual adventure, or a more pragmatic project, qualities such as compassion and empathy are key to finding support. Guided by our intuition, together, we can start turning dreams into reality.

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