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Birth Charts
Tarot/I Ching

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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

Zodiac Birth Charts
The Elements of Love

Sun Sign Compatibility - Air and Water

The Fountain of Joy
Put air into water and you get lovely bubbles. Put water into air and you get soft, fluffy clouds - provided that there's not too much pressure. We all know though, what happens to a fizzy drink if it's shaken. We also know how atmospheric pressure can cause water in the atmosphere to turn into something very cold and clammy. Air and water go well together... most of the time. Air sign people provide intuitive Water people with much-needed intellectual perspective. Water people return the compliment by compensating for the Air person's dry attitude. But while they can visit one another's domain, they cannot remain in it for long. The bubbles go flat after a while. Likewise, the clouds tend to disperse. This relationship has to be constantly renewed and revived. It is though, well worth the maintenance.

Zodiac SignZodiac SignZodiac Sign

Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Zodiac SignZodiac SignZodiac Sign

Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Zodiac SignZodiac SignZodiac Sign

Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Zodiac SignZodiac SignZodiac Sign

Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

- Next week the interplay between Mars's imminent forward momentum and Venus's thoughtful influence creates a fascinating balance. Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings! OFFER ENDS TODAY! )

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