We've got all sorts of crazy beliefs about the nature of life and the cosmos. These days, we don't have to look far to uncover intriguing conspiracy theories. Some folks believe that a race of shape-shifting reptiles is in control. Others are convinced that the Moon landings happened in a TV studio. Under today's Mercury/Uranus link, your imagination could go wild. As long as you don't let an unlikely idea cloud your judgement, you'll be able to make a decision that changes your views in a way that empowers you to take action.
- Next week the interplay between Mars's imminent forward momentum and Venus's thoughtful influence creates a fascinating balance. Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)
Leo - Your Weekly Horoscope: The expression 'youth is wasted on the young' is strange. It's definitely not said by young people! They've got more interesting things to do than make ageist, silly assumptions! So it must be down to more mature folk; whose view of the world has been tainted by their life experience. Yet maturity is valuable, and wisdom is precious. Reflecting on your present situation will take you far this week. Under the influence of the powerful Planetary Parade, if you put your intuition to good use, youthful enthusiasm will take you far.
Leo - Your February Monthly Horoscope: Society used to be divided into classes and groups that were nigh on impossible to move between. These days, in theory, we have the freedom to chop and change more easily. We can climb up the social ladder. We can be wealthy through our own making. And we're less-easily defined by our sexuality and our ethnicity. Hooray! February calls you to question your sense of identity and the restrictions you're placing on yourself. With greater awareness of who you are, you'll be able to take steps that take you to where you want to be.
Leo - Yesterday's Forecast:
We all want to believe in magic. We'd all love to have a wand to wave around and be able to cast spells. And somewhere, deep within, we all secretly think that we've got such powers. And that if we'd been to a school like Hogwarts, we'd have learnt how to apply our skills. Just because you haven't got a wand to wave doesn't mean that you're not responsible for some of the magical moments you've experienced in the past. The good news, is that the Planetary Parade suggests more of those moments are on their way. Enjoy!
- Next week the interplay between Mars's imminent forward momentum and Venus's thoughtful influence creates a fascinating balance. Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)
Leo - Tue Feb 25, 2025:
Picture yourself in a warm, cosy, candlelit room. You're listening to a meditation. A gentle voice is encouraging you to relax your body. Starting with your toes, you're gently releasing any stresses and tensions. You're in the zone; you're letting go of your anxieties. Then, just as you're feeling relaxed, the voice reminds you of a problem you've been struggling with, and the fact you need to deal with it. That's not OK! Remember your resilience today - and don't allow yourself to be coerced into doing anything you don't want to do.
Leo - Mon Feb 24, 2025:
People who live in densely populated areas, who are used to the hustle and bustle of traffic and noise, are often territorial when it comes to personal space. They might not have much of it, but what they do have, they defend and protect. That's why visitors to cities sometimes find the locals a bit less friendly than more rural folks. Yet no one likes it when their personal boundaries are being threatened. In the approach to the New Moon, you might be feeling more sensitive. It will pass... but meanwhile, it's OK to protect what's yours.
- The coming week brings a wonderful blend of energies: motivation paired with mindfulness, action balanced with reflection. How to make the most these seemingly contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)
Leo - Sun Feb 23, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Change is always discombobulating. But the change taking place in your world now is happening for the right reasons. The key is to embrace what's happening in your life (and the lives of those you care about) rather than trying to resist new, unfamiliar elements. Even though things might feel out of balance in the short term, there's nothing to worry about. Unexpected developments are bringing a new set of challenges. But if you're prepared to go with the flow, you'll see that they're leading you towards a long-held goal.
Leo - Sat Feb 22, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: The expression 'youth is wasted on the young' is strange. It's definitely not said by young people! They've got more interesting things to do than make ageist, silly assumptions! So it must be down to more mature folk; whose view of the world has been tainted by their life experience. Yet maturity is valuable, and wisdom is precious. Reflecting on your present situation will take you far this week. Under the influence of the powerful Planetary Parade, if you put your intuition to good use, youthful enthusiasm will take you far.
This coming week, Mars says "get moving," while Venus mutters "not so fast." How best to deal with these contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)
Leo - Fri Feb 21, 2025:
When you're dealing with a difficult situation, and you've done everything you can think of to resolve it, but it remains stubbornly problematic, it could be time to rename and reframe it. It's a fixture. Something that's not going to disappear. So, instead of sorting it out, you've got to find a way to work with it, accommodate it, and incorporate it into your life. Sometimes, the problem is that we call something 'difficult'. You might not be able to find a solution this weekend. But if you commit to looking for positives, you'll find them.
Leo: - Thu Feb 20, 2025:
The secret to instigating a big life-change is to change something little. Anything will do. It doesn't even need to be something physical (like switching from a latte to a flat white). Just a change of attitude will do the trick. When we alter our expectations, we change our perspective. Today, as your ruler, the Sun, links with dynamic Mars, you've got the power to kick-start a transformative process. It involves looking at your life differently. If you manage that, you'll find that the way forward, to an inspiring destination appears.
Listen! The stars aren't being difficult just to annoy you. There's a method to the madness. How best to deal with the upcoming contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)
Leo - Wed Feb 19, 2025:
All creative people have a developed sense of intuition. Whether they're dancers, painters, musicians, or crafters, they enjoy being spontaneous and inventive. Their work depends on them being able to tune in to the zeitgeist, and find a way to represent it. With your ruler, the Sun, settling into dreamy Pisces, you can be confident that a brilliantly inventive (yet beautifully straightforward) solution lies around the corner. It might not be what you're expecting. But if you welcome it, and apply it, you'll love what you create.