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Your Daily Horoscope, from Cainer Horoscopes

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virgo Zodiac Sign

Virgo Horoscope

Thu, 27th February 2025
Cainer Horoscopes

A recent development has left you feeling unsure and vulnerable. Yet these feelings aren't indicative of what lies ahead. When we make big decisions a certain amount of anxiety is inevitable. But there's no reason to doubt the choice you've made. Neither is there any reason to resign yourself to feeling insecure. As your ruler, Mercury, links with innovative Uranus, it brings the insight you need to believe in yourself and your decision. As your confidence grows, you'll find that things start to go much more smoothly. - The coming week brings a wonderful blend of energies: motivation paired with mindfulness, action balanced with reflection. How to make the most these seemingly contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)









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Virgo - Your Weekly Horoscope: Are you paying close attention? Don't lose focus, or you might miss it! What's that? You didn't see it? Oh well... not to worry. Another opportunity will eventually come along. But if you don't want to wait around any longer, this week brings good news. The Planetary Parade, plus the New Moon, in your opposite sign, inundate you with options and potential. If you look carefully, you'll see where a big chance lies and how to go about seizing it. If you choose the most obvious direction, you can be sure it's the right way to go.

Virgo - Your February Monthly Horoscope: Suppose you voice, aloud, what you really want to happen in February? Suppose you express your intentions, and set out to do everything in your power to reach your objectives? What kind of month would you have? Although there's no guarantee you'll get what you want, when you want it, surely there's no point in not aiming high and reaching for the stars? With your ruling planet moving, mid-month, from visionary Aquarius to creative Pisces, you can find ways to action innovative ideas that lead towards a happier future.

Virgo - Yesterday's Forecast:
It's not about winning - it's the taking part that matters. At least that's what we're supposed to think. And it sounds like a good philosophy to follow. Except this phrase is never said to winners! They don't need to be philosophical! But sometimes, they need to be reminded of the fact that they've won. Otherwise, even though the race is over, there's a risk they'll carry on running. Or keep fighting, even when the battle is done and dusted. What point are you now trying to prove? Don't let competitive energy skew your judgement today. - Next week the interplay between Mars's imminent forward momentum and Venus's thoughtful influence creates a fascinating balance. Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)

Virgo - Tue Feb 25, 2025:
Could you be trying to squeeze a square peg into a round hole? Are you searching for ways to create harmony with people who only want discord? Are you capable of performing that kind of miracle? And, if you've got that kind of power, how much of your energy would you need to invest? The idea of staging a major intervention might seem attractive. But, with your ruler, Mercury, linking with Saturn, patience remains the order of the day. Stay calm. Watch. Observe. As the dust settles, you'll see that the worst is now behind you.

Virgo - Mon Feb 24, 2025:
Reality is much easier to deal with than fantasy. When we look into the future and try to imagine how we'll handle a specific event, we often end up feeling anxious and fearful. Even if it's appropriate for you to feel nervous about something coming up in your world, spending too much time worrying will make it worse rather than better. If it's going to happen it will happen. And vice versa. You might be able to influence the situation you're dealing with. But try to focus on what's actually happening rather than how things 'should' be. - The coming week brings a wonderful blend of energies: motivation paired with mindfulness, action balanced with reflection. How to make the most these seemingly contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)

Virgo - Sun Feb 23, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: We're all capable of striving to do our best. But when the quest for perfection takes hold, other good things are set aside. You know this; Virgos have a complex relationship with excellence. You're almost incapable of not trying your hardest. Which is why it's worth considering whether your desire to get things 'right' is cutting you off from other good experiences and people who could enrich your life? The New Moon brings a chance to reassess your modus operandi vis-à-vis a specific situation, and change.

Virgo - Sat Feb 22, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Are you paying close attention? Don't lose focus, or you might miss it! What's that? You didn't see it? Oh well... not to worry. Another opportunity will eventually come along. But if you don't want to wait around any longer, this week brings good news. The Planetary Parade, plus the New Moon, in your opposite sign, inundate you with options and potential. If you look carefully, you'll see where a big chance lies and how to go about seizing it. If you choose the most obvious direction, you can be sure it's the right way to go. This coming week, Mars says "get moving," while Venus mutters "not so fast." How best to deal with these contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)

Virgo - Fri Feb 21, 2025:
Some people, who don't like taking risks, have the insight to realise that not taking risks is risky. On a subconscious level, they know that fortune favours the brave. It takes a moment to seize an opportunity. But we can spend a lifetime regretting something (or someone) that we allowed to pass us by. Taking a gamble can, under some circumstances, be wiser than playing it safe. As Mars slows down before turning direct next week, you're feeling cautious. But don't get too attached to your caution. Life is about to get exciting.

Virgo: - Thu Feb 20, 2025:
If something looks, sounds, and feels good, surely, it's got to be good? Unfortunately, some of the things that hit the above criteria, don't have long-term positive benefits. Like chocolate. And pizza! And let's not overlook the fact that some people are only happy when they're doing something they 'shouldn't' do. And that some get pleasure from being miserable. Which means it's hard to conclude that things that look good are good. Yet, today, as your ruler links with lucky/wise Jupiter, that's what's going on for you. Enjoy! Listen! The stars aren't being difficult just to annoy you. There's a method to the madness. How best to deal with the upcoming contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings!)

Virgo - Wed Feb 19, 2025:
Mary Poppins wasn't thinking about dentistry when she advised having a spoonful of sugar to help the medicine go down. There are times when a little bit of what you fancy isn't good for your wellbeing. Sometimes, it can even be detrimental. Often, when we find ourselves craving something, our desire is connected to subconscious, complex feelings of frustration, boredom, or anxiety. What you're seeking might not be particularly glamourous or exciting today. But a healthy dose of something satisfying is heading your way.

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