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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

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virgo Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Virgo Horoscope

Wed, 3rd July 2024
Oscar Cainer

When life brings a challenge our way, we can't blame it on other people. But neither can we assume that we brought the difficulty onto ourselves. Rather than investing your energy into trying to work out who's responsible for the situation you're caught up in, suppose you turn your attention to what you can do to sort it out? If you take decisive action and constructive steps forwards, you'll realise that it's not as bad as it looks. In fact, as soon as you start taking action, you'll see that what you're learning is immensely valuable.

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Virgo - Your July Monthly Horoscope: Young kids might know what they want, but they don't always know what they need. And that mindset doesn't seem to change with age. As adults, we just find cleverer ways to disguise our 'wants'. We get so good at using clever explanations to justify our choices that we convince ourselves that what we want is what we need. There's no guarantee you'll get what you want this month. But if you don't, July brings the insight to see why you don't need it. And that brings the freedom to go after something that brings real satisfaction.

Virgo -

Virgo - Yesterday's Forecast:
Obviously, there are responsibilities you need to uphold. But if you're doing them out of a sense of obligation, there's a problem. Your ruler Mercury's move into Leo brings the inspiration to do what you need to do because it makes you feel good. Remember, you always have choice. And if you're fulfilling promises out of guilt, you won't be able to invest your heart and soul. Which means you won't get the desired result. Boundaries, about what you will (and won't) do, are key to your success and future happiness.

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Virgo - Mon Jul 01, 2024:
Everyone who's used a Satnav has a story to tell. I once found myself at the entrance to a field, with the motorway I was trying to get to on the other side of it. Aargh! We've got so used to hearing those automated voices telling us where to go that some people switch them on even when they know exactly where they're headed. But when we're lost in an unfamiliar place, there's no denying their value. You could take a difficult route today. But if you listen to your voice of inner wisdom, it will take you directly to where you need/want to go.

Virgo - Sun Jun 30, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: Why do people adopt certain attitudes and hold such strong opinions? What is it that makes them see some things clearly, yet close their minds to other issues (which to you are blindingly obvious)? You're feeling bewildered by a situation in your relationship world. Someone, who you thought you knew well, has acted in way that seems out of character; and it's made you doubt yourself (and them). Don't hide your bafflement. If you talk, not only will you be enlightened, you'll reach understanding that deepens your bond.

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Virgo - Sat Jun 29, 2024:
Your July Monthly Horoscope: Young kids might know what they want, but they don't always know what they need. And that mindset doesn't seem to change with age. As adults, we just find cleverer ways to disguise our 'wants'. We get so good at using clever explanations to justify our choices that we convince ourselves that what we want is what we need. There's no guarantee you'll get what you want this month. But if you don't, July brings the insight to see why you don't need it. And that brings the freedom to go after something that brings real satisfaction.

Virgo - Fri Jun 28, 2024:
Why are you having problems in an area of life which ought to be easy? Are you getting your wires crossed or misreading the signals? What's happening, is that your normal communication lines are suffering from interference. It's frustrating. But it's not as problematic as it sounds. This is part of an essential process. As you get to grips with a problem you didn't think you had, you'll find a way to solve it. And that will enhance your potential to crack on with an idea, with a much greater chance of success.

The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!

Virgo - Thu Jun 27, 2024:
You're not going to get any peace until you pay someone the attention they're demanding. The challenge is that you already know that you don't agree with their views. Yet it's because you disagree that you need to listen. If you haven't heard their argument, how can you counter it? And you can show understanding without acquiescing. As your ruler, Mercury, links to lucky Jupiter, it empowers you to take control of an aspect of your world where you've felt disempowered. It involves swapping ignorance for information.

Virgo: - Wed Jun 26, 2024:
You're a modest Virgo; but that doesn't mean you don't want to be acknowledged for your achievements. No one likes the idea of someone else receiving credit for their ideas. Yet you also know that when there's a chance to do the right thing, it's more important to do it than worry about who other people will perceive to have done it. You're playing an essential part in an important process. The satisfaction of knowing this might be all the gratification you get today. But it will be enough to inspire you to keep doing what you're doing.

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Virgo - Tue Jun 25, 2024:
You've had an inspiring idea. But just because it feels good doesn't mean it will be successful. You need to assess it in the light of your current situation, and adapt it to deal with the changes taking place. Then, if it still feels right, it will need to be pursued for a considerable amount of time. If that sounds daunting, reevaluate. If you're not prepared to give that much commitment, you're better off seeking a less-than ideal solution. You need to compromise, or be ready to invest a lot of energy. It's totally up to you.

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