This weekend is the perfect moment to tie up a few loose ends and tidy up some straggly bits. Even though this might not seem particularly necessary (because of course, you've got other things to focus on), sometimes you need to finish up before moving on. You can't walk away from a messy situation just because something more exciting has caught your attention. You'll find any resentment quickly turns into enthusiasm. And once the boring bits are sorted, you'll be free to set off, unconstrained by strings of the past.
Listen! The stars aren't being difficult just to annoy you. There's a method to the madness. How best to deal with the upcoming contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings! OFFER ENDS TODAY! )
Sagittarius - Your Weekly Horoscope: Even sociable Sagittarians can experience the sense of being alone when you're surrounded by people. There's no guarantee that just because we live on a highly-populated planet, we won't sometimes feel isolated. It's easy (and common) to feel as if no one understands us. The irony, of course, is that we share those feelings of isolation with lots of other people. Since we're all in this together, we're not alone in feeling alone. The Planetary Parade brings an encounter that reminds you of how loved and supported you are.
Sagittarius - Your February Monthly Horoscope: With your charm, charisma, and enthusiasm, you're not the kind of person who likes to 'fit in'. It's not in your nature to conform to the norm. You can't help but question convention and seek alternatives. Thank goodness! The world needs Sagittarians! But your refusal to accept what everyone else accepts can cause problems with people who like things to be predictable. To maximise February's cosmic energy, try to be patient with others, and explain yourself. Which doesn't (by the way) mean compromising your integrity.
Sagittarius - Yesterday's Forecast:
Think about your hopes and dreams. What, do you think, are the chances of you realising them? Do you deserve to be successful and happy? It's worth giving these questions a thought, because Mercury (planet of ideas) is linking with innovative Uranus. And answering them will reveal a lot about your sense of self-worth, and how you're feeling about what's happening in your life. If you can dispel any pessimistic preconceptions and focus on the positive, you'll find the inspiration you're lacking. Then, you'll be ready to fly.
Listen! The stars aren't being difficult just to annoy you. There's a method to the madness. How best to deal with the upcoming contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings! OFFER ENDS TODAY! )
Sagittarius - Wed Feb 26, 2025:
Suppose you're trying to climb a mountain, but don't have access to GPS or a map? How are you meant to know which track to follow? How are you going to traverse the tricky rock faces and find the easy footholds? Yet the message from the kindly cosmos is that there's no obstacle you can't overcome. Yes, you could do with more intel. But the good news is that it's on its way. So, stay alert. And let go of any anxiety. With more information, you'll be able to turn a corner. And from there, you'll realise that you've almost reached the top.
Sagittarius - Tue Feb 25, 2025:
How are you supposed to work out what other people are thinking? Well... you could conduct an opinion poll. If you take care not to ask questions that will influence their answers, you'll get a good idea about their thoughts. Yet, you only need to know how one specific person is feeling. In which case, you could ask their friends. But rather than go to those lengths, why not just talk to the individual themselves? Today brings the confidence to have a conversation you've been avoiding. It will be illuminating.
- Next week the interplay between Mars's imminent forward momentum and Venus's thoughtful influence creates a fascinating balance. Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings! OFFER ENDS TODAY! )
Sagittarius - Mon Feb 24, 2025:
If little things count for a lot, what do big things count for? Does their importance change because of their size? When we focus on the minutiae, we risk overlooking the obvious. And if we're not careful, the big picture gets lost in details. Could you be focusing too much of your attention on a relatively minor matter? Could you be in danger of investing more energy than it warrants? Mars, now moving forwards, brings the resolve to take decisive action. To benefit, just check your perspective. If you adjust it, you'll make progress.
Sagittarius - Sun Feb 23, 2025:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: When someone has a strong desire for something, or seems completely focused on one particular aspect of their life, we might use the suffix 'aholic' to describe them. Like chocaholic, shopaholic, workaholic. Although it's often used humourously, the idea comes from compulsion/addiction. You won't be needing alcohol (or any other stimulant) to intoxicate you this week. Under the current cosmic climate, your natural charm will work wonders. Just a smile can transform a moment into a heady experience.
- The coming week brings a wonderful blend of energies: motivation paired with mindfulness, action balanced with reflection. How to make the most these seemingly contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings! OFFER ENDS TODAY! )
Sagittarius - Sat Feb 22, 2025:
Your Weekly Horoscope: Even sociable Sagittarians can experience the sense of being alone when you're surrounded by people. There's no guarantee that just because we live on a highly-populated planet, we won't sometimes feel isolated. It's easy (and common) to feel as if no one understands us. The irony, of course, is that we share those feelings of isolation with lots of other people. Since we're all in this together, we're not alone in feeling alone. The Planetary Parade brings an encounter that reminds you of how loved and supported you are.
Sagittarius: - Fri Feb 21, 2025:
Our dreams and desires can be dangerous. Once we realise what they are, we become vulnerable; we open ourselves up to potential manipulation. And that threat doesn't have to come from other people. We're perfectly capable of manipulating ourselves. We set goals, using our aspirations as bait to make us do things we don't really want to do. A long-held dream of yours is within touching distance. The issue is that a short-term desire risks obscuring a long-term vision. Don't let yourself be distracted this weekend.
This coming week, Mars says "get moving," while Venus mutters "not so fast." How best to deal with these contradictory influences? Learn more... (50% OFF plus a Free Birth Chart and 3 Tarot readings! OFFER ENDS TODAY! )
Sagittarius - Thu Feb 20, 2025:
Why do we often tend to make things hard for ourselves? Life doesn't need our assistance; it makes things complicated all by itself. So why do we add to our problems? Some people believe that if the cosmos sees them struggling, it will take pity on them and stop sending any more challenges their way. Yet that's not how it works. As the Sun links with power planet Mars, and Mercury and Jupiter align, you've got the wisdom to see which issues you can disregard. Then, if you focus on what's important, you'll find a shortcut.