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Jemima Cainer
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Your Daily Horoscope, from Oscar and Jonathan Cainer

Zodiac Birth Charts

scorpio Zodiac Sign

Tomorrow's Scorpio Horoscope

Tue, 2nd July 2024
Oscar Cainer

Have you ever been to a Murder Mystery party? If you're in the right mood, the interaction between the characters, who all have a specific role to play, is very entertaining. Solving mysteries plays to your strengths. In the real world, with your high-level perceptive skills, your ability to read between the lines is second to none. But if you're not in the right mood, your detective abilities don't function as well as they can. Today, if you choose to get involved, with a few simple questions you can solve a niggling problem.

Now, you should read your 'Guide to the Future'. Inside it you'll find page after page of insights and predictions all about you and what's in store for you in the year ahead. Make your future a wonderful future. Download your 'Guide to the Future' here.









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Scorpio - Your July Monthly Horoscope: Much of your world seems to be going in the right direction. Doesn't it? Or are you still in the midst of problems? You've had a lot to deal with. And your coping strategy has involved developing various psychological defence mechanisms to protect yourself from feeling anxious. But the problem with fortresses is that their defensive walls don't only keep out foes; they make it hard for friends to enter. In July, it's safe to let your barriers down. If you open yourself up to assistance, the cosmos will oblige. Your social life will improve too.

Scorpio -

Scorpio - Yesterday's Forecast:
Imagine you're about to make a cake. You've got all the ingredients, but they need to be combined in the right order, and cooked for the right amount of time at the correct temperature. If you open the oven door at the wrong moment, the cake won't rise. Something in your world isn't turning out as you want. Everything is in place, but somehow the recipe for success isn't working. Retrograde Saturn enables you to reassess your methodology. If you fix the process, you'll end up with an impressive result that you can share.

If you give me your date, place and time of birth... then I'll tell you what the planets say about you and your future. To learn more...

Scorpio - Sun Jun 30, 2024:
Your Weekly Love Focus Horoscope: This week's New Moon ramps up your emotions and highlights your passionate nature. The side-effect is that you're more susceptible to looking back to the past, wondering about recent decisions, and feeling uncertain about the future. When we feel overwhelmed it's easy to lose our sense of hope. Fortunately, as an insightful Scorpio, you're equipped to deal with this kind of emotional overload. Use your imaginative powers. If you focus on the positive, and use your imagination, you'll direct your passion in the right direction.

Scorpio - Sat Jun 29, 2024:
Your July Monthly Horoscope: Much of your world seems to be going in the right direction. Doesn't it? Or are you still in the midst of problems? You've had a lot to deal with. And your coping strategy has involved developing various psychological defence mechanisms to protect yourself from feeling anxious. But the problem with fortresses is that their defensive walls don't only keep out foes; they make it hard for friends to enter. In July, it's safe to let your barriers down. If you open yourself up to assistance, the cosmos will oblige. Your social life will improve too.

The cosmic blueprint of your life was written in code across the sky at the moment you were born. Click here!

Scorpio - Fri Jun 28, 2024:
Your intuitive powers are supercharged. Whenever a particular subject is raised, your spine tingles. You're not sure what's going on, but these sensations are enough to make you think. Good. It's all too easy to push these reactions to the back of our mind. We talk ourselves out of them. Since we don't have concrete information to support those feelings, we underestimate their value. Yet you're in tune with a gift that can have a huge effect on your ability to succeed. Follow your hunches this weekend. You'll like what unfolds.

Scorpio - Thu Jun 27, 2024:
When we feel powerless, we do what we can to establish a sense of control. There are healthy ways to do this (like going to the gym to improve our physical shape); and unhealthy ways (like trying to exert ourselves over people who have less power). Conversely, people who feel powerful sometimes put themselves in positions where they feel vulnerable. Either we want what we haven't got. Or we try to compensate for what we think we've got too much of. If you use your power for the greater good today, you can rectify an imbalance.

To discover who you truly are, what makes you tick, and what's just around the corner, you need a full personal horoscope report. Change your future... change your life with an amazingly accurate personal report now!

Scorpio - Wed Jun 26, 2024:
Could you be underestimating your power? Does it feel like someone else is in the driving seat, with their hands on the steering wheel of your life? Today brings a situation which reminds you that you've got control. A decision needs to be reached, and you're the person to reach it. You just need a map. And to find out exactly where you are and the options available. If you keep asking questions, you'll gain insight that enables you to make choices and implement decisions that move you forwards, in the right direction.

Scorpio: - Tue Jun 25, 2024:
Psychic abilities make some folk nervous. They're concerned that people with paranormal powers can read their minds and discover their private thoughts. As a highly-intuitive Scorpio, not only are you naturally perceptive, you're good at disguising your talents - which you use to increase your understanding of people and situations. The confusing scenario you're currently dealing with involves someone who's confused about their motivation. If you help them see why they're doing what they're doing, they'll be grateful.

Reveal the astrological secrets of your future, today. For a complete set of totally personal predictions instantly download 'Your Guide to the Future'.

Scorpio - Mon Jun 24, 2024:
Amazing discoveries are made by people who set off on adventurous expeditions... aren't they? Actually, more often than not, the most extraordinary things are found where we least expect to find them - like on our own doorsteps. Today, as Venus links with innovative Uranus it enables you to see a sensitive situation in your world from a different perspective. A lightbulb moment of insight shows you how to tactfully address a problem in a way that makes everyone involved feel valued and part of a team. That takes skill!

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